
To be loved

This short story is based on my own dog’s past. I lie here on a threadbare rug. Far upstairs, faint shrieks and giggles resonate in my ears. The smell of roasting potatoes from the warm kitchen fills my nostrils. I drool in anticipation. But I have already learnt that that food is seldom for me.…

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The rains are coming

This story excerpt is based on rural America and the people that live there. The rains are coming. I am certain of it. I imagine I can hear the distant rumble of grey storm clouds on the horizon, and the pitter-patter of water drumming on the corrugated iron roof. It’s still pitch-black outside, so there’s…

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Portugal is

This poem is based on my time spent in Portugal during the summer holidays. Portugal is the sea- Powerful waves pounding the sand and salty Atlantic spray, Winding beaches and wooden jetties and hidden coves tucked in the bay. But where the forest meets the ocean- Sweet wild blackberries melt in your mouth, warm from…

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About Me

Hi, I’m Mara. Previously a dolphin blogger, I spend most of my time with my beautiful, sweet dogs Maxy and Rachel, having fun in the sun. This blog is for my love of literature and sharing my favourite books, poems and stories with you!

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